Subscription Plans
Each One95 Kitchen plate, is a single meal meant for one person.
New menus are uploaded weekly. Please click here to check out what’s on the current and upcoming weeks menu.
Select Your Plan

2 days / week
(Tue & Thur)
$12.95 / Meal
Explore This Plan

3 days / week
(Mon Wed & Fri)
$11.95 / Meal
Explore This Plan

5 days / week
(Mon through Fri)
$10.95 / Meal
Explore This Plan
*Vegetarian option available.
Delivery Fee is added at checkout.
Common Questions
What does your sign up fee include?
Our one time sign up fee is 100% refundable when you cancel your subscription. The fee is to cover the cost of insulated tote bags and ice packs. When we receive your returned tote bag and ice packs after your last day of delivery, we will refund your sign up fee.
Will I be locked into a contract with your subscription?
No! You can cancel your plan at any time. Subscription canceled before our cutoff time (Thursday, 11:59PM) will be effective immediately for the following week. Subscription canceled AFTER our cutoff time, will be effective the week AFTER the following week.
Can I cancel or pause a subscription
Definitely! Just make sure you do it before our cutoff of Thursday Evening by 11:59 PM to stop your next week’s delivery.
When & how often am I charged for orders ?
If you have any additional questions please check out our FAQs
Do I get charged an extra fee if I lose my insulated tote bags and ice packs?
No! Let us know if you lose your bag and/or ice packs so we can replace it on your next delivery. Re-using the bags and ice packs helps us provide a sustainable delivery service.
When can I expect my meals delivered for all meal subscribers?
We deliver twice a week, Monday and Wednesday, generally between 9 AM to Noon. You do not need to be home to receive it (contactless delivery). The ice packs and tote bag provided will keep your food chilled throughout the delivery window. Please leave or set your tote bag and ice packs back out where we delivered it and we will pick them up upon your next delivery (replacing with new ones).